We take the welfare and wellbeing of our employees and customers seriously. This policy outlines our strict procedures for employees who remain in the workplace, or who are required to return to the workplace due to operational requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This policy represents our approach to dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. However, this policy is in all respects subject to any overriding Government directive or law. For example, if the Government mandates that our employees must remain at home, or that the work must stop, then such directive overrides this policy.

What measures are we taking?

To promote the health and safety of everyone in our workplace, we will:

  • Ensure all our workers are Covid vaccinated
  • Ensure all our team get Covid tested every 72 hours
  • Implement the use of thermometer to measure body temperature
  • Endeavour to provide and maintain a safe working environment for all stakeholders
  • Provide information, instruction and supervision to you so far as we can to promote your health and safety
  • Provide adequate facilities for you to practice good hygiene. This includes hand sanitizer, disinfectant tissues, and face masks
  • Consult with you about work health and safety issues relevant to this outbreak
  • Integrate work health and safety issues into all our decisions making
  • Put in place mechanisms for monitoring work health and safety issues
  • Take any health concerns raised by you seriously

While performing our duties at the workplace, and travelling to and from work we will:

  • Follow all aspects of this policy
  • Take reasonable care to ensure our own health and safety, and that of our colleagues and customers
  • Not place others at risk or jeopardize the safety of our work environment by any act or omission
  • Follow any safe work procedures or protocols that we implement from time to time
  • Meet our statutory work health and safety obligations
  • Observe social distancing at all time
  • Avoid unnecessary time in public places or travel by public transport
  • Not attend work if we feel unwell or if we believe we may have come into contact with someone who is unwell
  • Regularly take steps to clean up or wipe down any surfaces that we have used
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly.

If you would like to learn more about PRIVILEGE DECOR AUSTRALIA COVID-19 POLICY or have any questions, please contact us via email or give us a call.

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